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Saga Stevin

Good News / Bad News: The Truth about Antibiotics

Numerous research studies, even congressional hearings, have concluded that 40 – 60% of all antibiotics prescribed are unnecessary. Antibiotics are only effective for bacterial infections and are useless for aiding symptoms of cold or flu. Not only are they ineffective – they can make you more susceptible to more virulent strains of harmful bacteria.

Several things happen when antibiotics are always given at the first sign of infection.

  1. Your own immune system produces fewer natural antibodies. Studies show that white blood cells are less aggressive in attacking bacteria if given antibiotics. This suppression of the immune system explains why a seemingly minor infection appears to occur over and over again. It should be noted that every time your immune system is naturally activated and not suppressed by drugs it will emerge stronger after each battle.

  2. When repeatedly exposed to antibiotics bacteria will mutate. Hundreds of patients die each year from infections caused by drug resistant bacteria. The more you take antibiotics at the first sign of infection – the more you are training your body NOT to fight the infection naturally. Remember – antibiotics can only fight bacterial infections not viral infections.

  3. Beneficial bacteria found in the intestinal tract are also destroyed by antibiotics. This gives rise to a whole list of problems. Candida infections, eczema, hyperactivity, parasitic allergies, vaginal or bladder infections, lupus, and possibly chronic degenerate disease. In short – antibiotics kill the good bacteria as well.

The trillions of beneficial bacteria of the intestinal tract suffer immeasurably under the impact of antibiotics. To maintain these essential elements it is important to supplement the diet with live active bacteria cultures both during and after antibiotic therapy. In short eat at least one serving per day of yogurt with live active cultures. When buying the yogurt it will have a stamp on it saying it contains live active cultures – if you don’t see that on the label – it won’t be inside either. Any flavor is good.

Make sure the antibiotics are REALLY necessary. Have a culture made of the area involved. This will identify the specific bacteria and allow for the recommendation of the proper drug. However, when antibiotics are necessary, nutritional support is necessary! Get that yogurt with live active cultures and enjoy every bite!

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